Mission: Hydrocarbon Seeps

Places where hydrocarbons naturally seep from the seafloor provide a way to study how oil spills in the ocean change over time. But scientists need vehicles like Sentry, Jason, or Alvin to get a close-up look.

Featured Robots



A fully autonomous underwater vehicle capable of exploring the ocean down to 6,000 meters

Sentry page

ROV Jason

ROV Jason

Designed and built to allow scientists access to the seafloor without leaving the deck of a ship.

ROV Jason page



Alvin carries two scientists and a pilot as deep as 4,500 meters on dives lasting six to ten hours.

Alvin page

Featured Researchers

John Toole

Christopher Reddy

Senior Scientist

Chris' personal page

Rich Camilli

Rich Camilli

Associate Scientist

Rich's personal page